Glen Fiona Winery

Enjoy the Glen Fiona Winery

Year: 2019

Types of Wine

Red wine is produced by extracting the color and flavor from the skin of the grapes. For this purpose, dark-colored grape is used. Young red wines are violet while mature wines are red. Older red wines are typically brown. Purple…

Classification of Wine

Classification of wine is simple in concept. You just need to realize that in essence the classification system divides wine into two large categories: European and non-European wines. In Europe, wines are grouped based on the regions they are made…

Observing the Long-term Effects of Wine Consumption

As wine is composed primarily of alcohol, all the good things about alcohol also applies to wine, including its possible health effects. Consumption of wine is oftentimes associated with decreased risks of early death, diabetes mellitus, stroke, and heart disease—but…

Varieties of Grape Used in Winemaking

Needless to say, grape is an important ingredient used in winemaking as the beverage is made by fermenting either the fresh grapes or the juice of the fruit. Common variety of grape used in winemaking would be the Vitis vinifera…

History of Wine

Researchers have found archaeobotanical and archeological evidence that the modern Georgia is where the first grape wine and viniculture were developed. Development of wine in other places is thought to have developed in much later period. However, the earliest proof…

The Short-term Health Effects of Wine

You might be one to enjoy sipping your wine at dinnertime. To some, drinking wine is a ritual that must be treated as something sacred. To others, wine is just another alcoholic beverage they will just binge and get drunk…